"Earthling Study" — somatic explorations of nature, pleasure and play
10:00 a.m.10:00

"Earthling Study" — somatic explorations of nature, pleasure and play

Join us on May 26th at Angrignon Park for a somatic exploration of our connections to the more than human world.

Through sensory based invitations — guided by pleasure — we will study our kinship to the land and life around us as the spring and forest unfurls.

We will share our insights as we collect data on our embodied experience and the inherent pleasures of our earthling bodies together.

This practice will incorporate elements of forest therapy and somatic sex education.

Soft Earth Forest Therapy (Sophie, she/her) and Sensing Soma (Jess, she/her) will be your guides for this 2.5 hour experience in Angrignon Park.

The experience will be in English, but Sophie will be happy to provide any translations necessary.

We have reserved two spots for this event on a sliding scale (priority to QTBIPOC individuals). Please reach out to me here or at info@softearthforesttherapy.com if the cost presents a barrier for you.

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Creative Promenade with arQ RunicoS
9:45 a.m.09:45

Creative Promenade with arQ RunicoS

Join my dear friend Sandra Viviana @arqrunicos_colour and I on May 11th and experience the awe of urban nature on our "Creative Promenade".

The experience will include an urban nature walk, forest therapy, and a conscious art workshop at @ohmydeer.cafe.

This is a trilingual activity (FR, ENG, SP) and is open to everyone.

Click here to learn more about the event!

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Spring Equinox Forest Therapy Walk
10:30 a.m.10:30

Spring Equinox Forest Therapy Walk

Location: Mont Royal (meet at Maison Smith)

Cost: $35*

How to reserve: Send an Interac transfer of $35* to info@softearthforesttherapy.com. If you ‘d prefer to pay cash on the day of the walk, write to me here to reserve your place.

I will send further details via email upon payment and registration.

* Please message me here if the cost presents a barrier for you; I reserve two spots on each walk on a sliding scale.

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Babies in the Forest - 4-week nature immersion series
to May 25

Babies in the Forest - 4-week nature immersion series

  • Soft Earth Forest Therapy (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Attuning to nature to attune to our lives

A 4-week spring nature immersion series for babies (0-12 m) and parents/caregivers led by sisters Sophie (Soft Earth Forest Therapy) and Julia (mama of 3 and post-partum doula) Monkman

This series will focus on nature connection as a pathway for attunement with our child, self-connection, family connection, social connection, and broader ecological connection. Nature connected families can thrive in urban environments, when we take the time to seek it out.

From week to week, the sessions will be an opportunity to tune into the unfolding of spring in a new and intimate way. Noticing changes in the world around us— imperceptible in the moment—serves as a mirror for our experiences as parents. How can we slow down and pay attention differently? How can we shift our relationship to the idea of ever-present change? How can we connect to pleasure and delight, both with our child and in nature?

Just as we are wired for connection with each other, we are also wired for connection with all life on earth. We are biophilic [biophilia: a love of life and the living world; the affinity of human beings for other life forms], and babies embody this inclination effortlessly. We are wired to connect to the natural world in which we evolved; it is literally embedded in our DNA. When the brain attunes to nature, parent and baby find each other in nature.

We are inhabiting an unparalleled moment in history as parents. Connecting to nature is a pathway to resource ourselves in uprooted and uncertain times, through relationship to the more-than-human world, deepened awareness and relationship to self, and connection to others. Plus, more exposure leads to reinforcing these connections.

What will we be doing?

  • Forest bathing 

    • Slow, sensory-based activities including exploring with baby, and sit spot

  • Nursery rhymes and lullabies 

  • Exploring play, wonder, and curiosity in nature 

  • Intentional sharing and facilitated discussions

  • Sharing of tea


  • Four Wednesdays in a row: May 4th, 11th, 18th & 25

  • 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.


  • Mount Royal (exact location T.B.A. after registration).


  • $150 for 4 sessions (includes place for caregiver/parent and baby.

  • $20 extra/session for additional caregiver/parent).

  • $40 for a drop-in.

  • Does the cost present a barrier to you? We have reserved two spots for sliding scale access. Please contact us know more.

Places Available

  • We require a minimum of 6 registrants to run the course, and can accommodate a maximum of 16.

Extra Notes

  • The sessions are designed to attend to the needs of the babies as needed (changing, feeding, etc). Julia is a certified post-partum doula, and will be available for any support needed.

  • The trails we will be on are not stroller-accessible. Please come with babies in carriers.

  • This series is a specific offering for pre-walkers and their person.  We hope to develop programs that suit older children and families in the near future. 

Click here to register - Purchase ticket through Eventbrite

Questions? Reach out to us, here!


Julia, Sophie, and a monarch, 1993

Sophie Monkman

Certified Nature and Forest Therapy Guide • Founder, Soft Earth Forest Therapy • BA Cultural Anthropology

I believe that establishing strong connections to the natural world is the key avenue to galvanizing people to care for our earth, and all the challenges we face. After completing a BA in Anthropology at Concordia University in 2014, I completed two forest therapy guide certifications; the first with the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy (ANFT) in 2018, and the second with the Global Institute of Forest Therapy (GIFT) in 2020. I founded my own forest therapy practice in 2019—Soft Earth Forest Therapy—where I lead forest bathing walks in and around Montreal. I am a member of the Association for Shinrin-Yoku Guides (AGSY), and I am certified with the Red Cross in emergency first aid CPR/AED. I continue to deepen in the field of nature connection and activism by regularly attending related workshops and conferences—such as the Work That Reconnects workshop with Joanna Macy in San Francisco, and the Reciprocal Healing confluence in Arizona. In addition to building my forest therapy practice, I work for the Global Institute of Forest Therapy as a mentor, offer presentations and workshops related to the practice of forest bathing and nature connection, work as a French to English translator, and offer eco cleaning services and workshops with homemade non-toxic products. 

Julia Monkman 

BSc Biology and International Development  • Nature Mentor - Coyote Programs • Motherwit Certified Doula

My passion is promoting pro-environmental behaviour in all of my endeavours. I have worked with preschool and school aged children in forest school activities while raising my 3 children in Montreal as a nature connected family.  Active in pollinator projects and ruelle verte greening, I have a strong passion for botany and birds and have worked as a naturalist in provincial parks and research programs.  With a focus on community development, I have worked in the urban food system and urban agriculture leading canning workshops and local eating initiatives. I am also a certified postpartum doula and nourish new families through supporting and honouring life transition and anchoring generational sustainability.  My hobbies include thrifting, knitting, camping and cross-country skiing.

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Song for Autumn - Forest Bathing Walk
10:00 a.m.10:00

Song for Autumn - Forest Bathing Walk

*This walk is in partnership with the wonderful foundation, Greenhound Canada.*

Forest bathing/forest therapy is founded on the Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku, and is a slow, immersive, and embodied walk in nature, centred on experiencing your surroundings, the life therein, and the present moment with all of your senses.

Exploring the more-than-human world on a forest bathing walk often leads to experiences of soft fascination, reflection about one's life, as well as new or strengthened relationships between ourselves and the web of life that supports us.

While we know this intrinsically to be true, scientific studies have proved time and again what an incredible form of preventative medicine it is for our nervous systems, minds, and bodies to spend intentional time in nature. It is in these environments that we can truly rest, heal, and be restored and reenergized.

And so, I invite you to experience these benefits, and the mountain, in perhaps a different way.

No prior experience or knowledge is required, simply an open mind and good footwear!

The cost to participate is on a sliding scale, $20-40. No one will be turned away for lack of funds, so please message me if the cost presents a barrier for you.

Note that 5% of proceeds from each walk will be donated to the Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal.

Send me a message here or email me at info@softearthforesttherapy.com to reserve a place.

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That Autumn Feeling - Forest Bathing Walk for Past Participants
9:30 a.m.09:30

That Autumn Feeling - Forest Bathing Walk for Past Participants

“The times are urgent; let us slow down. Slowing down is losing our way—not a human capacity or human capability. It is the invitations that are now in the world-at-large, inviting us to listen deeply, to be keen, to be fresh, to be quick with our heels, to follow the sights and sounds and smells of the world.”
— Dr. Bayo Akomolafe

These two walks are designed for individuals who have previously experienced a forest bathing/therapy walk, whether with me, or with another guide.

The idea is not to exclude others who are curious about the practice - I have four other walks scheduled for September and October, open to all, and can be found on the previous “Upcoming Walks” page - but to simply have the opportunity to deepen into the practice in a way that may not always be offered for those trying this for the first time.

The duration of the walk is 3 hours.

The cost to participate is on a sliding scale, $20-40. No one will be turned away for lack of funds, so please message me if the cost presents a barrier for you.

Note that 5% of proceeds from each walk will be donated to the Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal.

Message me here, or send me an email at info@softearthforesttherapy.com to register.

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Young October Forest Bathing Walk
10:00 a.m.10:00

Young October Forest Bathing Walk

Forest bathing/forest therapy is founded on the Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku, and is a slow, immersive, and embodied walk in nature, centred on experiencing your surroundings, the life therein, and the present moment with all of your senses.

Exploring the more-than-human world on a forest bathing walk often leads to experiences of soft fascination, reflection about one's life, as well as new or strengthened relationships between ourselves and the web of life that supports us.

While we know this intrinsically to be true, scientific studies have proved time and again what an incredible form of preventative medicine it is for our nervous systems, minds, and bodies to spend intentional time in nature. It is in these environments that we can truly rest, heal, and be restored and reenergized.

And so, I invite you to experience these benefits, and the mountain, in perhaps a different way.

No prior experience or knowledge is required, simply an open mind and good footwear!

The cost to participate is on a sliding scale, $20-40. No one will be turned away for lack of funds, so please message me if the cost presents a barrier for you.

Note that 5% of proceeds from each walk will be donated to the Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal.

Send me a message here or email me at info@softearthforesttherapy.com to reserve a place.

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Late September Forest Bathing Walk
1:00 p.m.13:00

Late September Forest Bathing Walk

Forest bathing/forest therapy is founded on the Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku, and is a slow, immersive, and embodied walk in nature, centred on experiencing your surroundings, the life therein, and the present moment with all of your senses.

Exploring the more-than-human world on a forest bathing walk often leads to experiences of soft fascination, reflection about one's life, as well as new or strengthened relationships between ourselves and the web of life that supports us.

While we know this intrinsically to be true, scientific studies have proved time and again what an incredible form of preventative medicine it is for our nervous systems, minds, and bodies to spend intentional time in nature. It is in these environments that we can truly rest, heal, and be restored and reenergized.

And so, I invite you to experience these benefits, and the mountain, in perhaps a different way.

No prior experience or knowledge is required, simply an open mind and good footwear!

The cost to participate is on a sliding scale, $20-40. No one will be turned away for lack of funds, so please message me if the cost presents a barrier for you.

Note that 5% of proceeds from each walk will be donated to the Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal.

Send me a message here or email me at info@softearthforesttherapy.com to reserve a place.

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“The times are urgent; let us slow down" - Forest Bathing for Past Participants
9:30 a.m.09:30

“The times are urgent; let us slow down" - Forest Bathing for Past Participants

“The times are urgent; let us slow down. Slowing down is losing our way—not a human capacity or human capability. It is the invitations that are now in the world-at-large, inviting us to listen deeply, to be keen, to be fresh, to be quick with our heels, to follow the sights and sounds and smells of the world.”
— Dr. Bayo Akomolafe

These two walks are designed for individuals who have previously experienced a forest bathing/therapy walk, whether with me, or with another guide.

The idea is not to exclude others who are curious about the practice - I have four other walks scheduled for September and October, open to all, and can be found on the previous “Upcoming Walks” page - but to simply have the opportunity to deepen into the practice in a way that may not always be offered for those trying this for the first time.

The duration of the walk is 3 hours.

The cost to participate is on a sliding scale, $20-40. No one will be turned away for lack of funds, so please message me if the cost presents a barrier for you.

Note that 5% of proceeds from each walk will be donated to the Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal.

Message me here, or send me an email at info@softearthforesttherapy.com to register.

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Late Summer Forest Bathing Walk
10:00 a.m.10:00

Late Summer Forest Bathing Walk

Forest bathing/forest therapy is founded on the Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku, and is a slow, immersive, and embodied walk in nature, centred on experiencing your surroundings, the life therein, and the present moment with all of your senses.

Exploring the more-than-human world on a forest bathing walk often leads to experiences of soft fascination, reflection about one's life, as well as new or strengthened relationships between ourselves and the web of life that supports us.

While we know this intrinsically to be true, scientific studies have proved time and again what an incredible form of preventative medicine it is for our nervous systems, minds, and bodies to spend intentional time in nature. It is in these environments that we can truly rest, heal, and be restored and reenergized.

And so, I invite you to experience these benefits, and the mountain, in perhaps a different way.

No prior experience or knowledge is required, simply an open mind and good footwear!

The cost to participate is on a sliding scale, $20-40. No one will be turned away for lack of funds, so please message me if the cost presents a barrier for you.

Note that 5% of proceeds from each walk will be donated to the Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal.

Send me a message here or email me at info@softearthforesttherapy.com to reserve a place.

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Forest Bathing Walk with Greenhound Canada
10:00 a.m.10:00

Forest Bathing Walk with Greenhound Canada

This forest bathing walk is organized in partnership with the wonderful local non-profit Greenhound Canada as a part of their Wellness Wednesday series.

Forest bathing, founded on the Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku - is an evidence based therapeutic practice where people connect with natural environments exploring ways to see, sense, feel, and experience our animate surroundings in new ways, and perhaps forge new or strengthened connections with our earth, ourselves, and one another.

This will be a slow and immersive experience in nature, centred on experiencing your surroundings, the beings therein, the elements, and the present moment in numerous ways. It is in natural environments that our nervous systems, minds, and bodies can truly rest and be restored, and so I invite you to experience these benefits in perhaps a different way.

No prior experience or knowledge is required, simply an open mind and good footwear.

The duration will be 3 hours.

The price is sliding scale, $20-40. No one will be turned away for lack of funds, so please message me if the cost presents a barrier for you.

Due to Covid-19 there will be a maximum of 8 participants and social distancing will be maintained for its duration.

Direct message me here or send me an e-mail at info@softearthforesttherapy.com to reserve a place!

If you wish to learn more about Greenhound Canada, their wellness series, or are interested in volunteering, check out their website.

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Sunday Morning Forest Bathing Walk
9:30 a.m.09:30

Sunday Morning Forest Bathing Walk

Forest bathing, founded on the Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku, is, among many things, curious about exploring ways to see, sense, feel, and experience our animate natural surroundings in new ways, and perhaps forge new or strengthened connections with our earth, ourselves, and one another.

This will be a slow and immersive experience in nature, centred on experiencing your surroundings, the beings therein, the elements, and the present moment in numerous ways. It is in natural environments that our nervous systems, minds, and bodies can truly rest and be restored, so I invite you to experience these benefits in perhaps a different way.

No prior experience or knowledge is required, simply an open mind and good footwear!

The duration will be 3 hours, and the price is sliding scale, $20-40. No one will be turned away for lack of funds, so please message me if the cost presents a barrier for you.

Due to Covid-19 there will be a maximum of 8 participants and social distancing will be maintained for its duration.

Direct message me here or send me an e-mail at info@softearthforesttherapy.com to reserve a place!

The walk will be on Mont-Royal. Further details will be shared upon registration.

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'That Summer Feeling' - Evening Forest Bathing Walk on Mont Royal
5:00 p.m.17:00

'That Summer Feeling' - Evening Forest Bathing Walk on Mont Royal

It can be difficult to describe that expansive summer feeling on warm evenings, during this short-lived but dearly loved season in Montreal. In balmy air, with the sun slowly moving towards the horizon… perhaps you’re gifted with a “magic hour” and your environment is awash in a peachy-rose glow… perhaps the light is filtering through the leaves of neighbourhood trees in dancing speckles (there’s a word in Japanese for this, “komorebi)... or perhaps it’s something less palpable, and is truly just this - a feeling.

A forest bathing walk is a wonderful opportunity to explore this summer feeling - in the evening.

Forest bathing, founded on the Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku, is - among many things - curious about just this: exploring ways to see, sense, feel, and experience our animate natural surroundings in new ways, and perhaps forge new or strengthened connections with our earth, ourselves, and one another.

This will be a slow and immersive experience in nature, centred on experiencing your surroundings, the beings therein, the elements, and the present moment in numerous ways. It is in natural environments that our nervous systems, minds, and bodies can truly rest and be restored, so I invite you to experience these benefits in perhaps a different way.

No prior experience or knowledge is required, simply an open mind and good footwear!

The duration will be 3 hours, and the price is sliding scale, $20-40. No one will be turned away for lack of funds, so please message me if the cost presents a barrier for you.

Due to Covid-19 there will be a maximum of 8 participants and social distancing will be maintained for its duration.

Direct message me here or send me an e-mail at info@softearthforesttherapy.com to reserve a place!

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Balmy Summer Forest Bathing Walk
9:30 a.m.09:30

Balmy Summer Forest Bathing Walk

“How we see the world is how we learn to value it” - Wendell Berry

Forest bathing, founded on the Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku,  is - among many things - curious about just this: exploring ways to see, sense, feel, and experience our animate natural surroundings in new ways, and perhaps forge new or strengthened connections with our earth, ourselves, and one another.

This will be a slow and immersive experience in nature, centred on experiencing your surroundings, the beings therein, the elements, and the present moment in numerous ways. It is in natural environments that our nervous systems, minds, and bodies can truly rest and be restored, so I invite you to experience these benefits in perhaps a different way.

No prior experience or knowledge is required, simply an open mind and good footwear!

The duration will be 3 hours, and the price is sliding scale, $20-40. No one will be turned away for lack of funds, so please message me if the cost presents a barrier for you.

Due to Covid-19 there will be a maximum of 8 participants and social distancing will be maintained for its duration.

Direct message me here or send me an e-mail at info@softearthforesttherapy.com to reserve a place!

This forest bathing walk will be offered on Mount Royal on Sunday, July 11th.

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Vivid Summer Forest Bathing Walk
9:30 a.m.09:30

Vivid Summer Forest Bathing Walk

“How we see the world is how we learn to value it” - Wendell Berry

Forest bathing, founded on the Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku, is - among many things - curious about just this: exploring ways to see, sense, feel, and experience our animate natural surroundings in new ways, and perhaps forge new or strengthened connections with our earth, ourselves, and one another.

This will be a slow and immersive experience in nature, centred on experiencing your surroundings, the beings therein, the elements, and the present moment in numerous ways. It is in natural environments that our nervous systems, minds, and bodies can truly rest and be restored, so I invite you to experience these benefits in perhaps a different way.

No prior experience or knowledge is required, simply an open mind and good footwear!

The duration will be 3 hours, and the price is sliding scale, $20-40. No one will be turned away for lack of funds, so please message me if the cost presents a barrier for you.

Due to Covid-19 there will be a maximum of 8 participants and social distancing will be maintained for its duration.

Direct message me here or send me an e-mail at info@softearthforesttherapy.com to reserve a place!

This forest bathing walk will be offered on Mount Royal on Sunday, July 4th.

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Summer’s Cusp Forest Bathing Walk
10:00 a.m.10:00

Summer’s Cusp Forest Bathing Walk

Sweet spring is unfurling into summer, and I invite you to join me to witness these changes, and the more-than-human world in perhaps a new way.

This forest bathing walk will be offered on Mont Royal on Sunday, June 13th.

This will be a slow and sensory-focused walk, centred on fully experiencing and paying attention to what it feels like to be where you are, and to connect with what surrounds you in numerous ways. Some describe forest therapy/bathing as a semi-guided nature connection meditation, but what it is varies with each person, and is ultimately up to you to be experienced. No prior experience or knowledge is required, simply an open mind and good footwear!

The duration will be 3 hours, and the price is sliding scale, $20-40. No one will be turned away for lack of funds, so please message me if the cost presents a barrier for you.

Due to Covid-19 there will be a maximum of 8 participants and social distancing will be maintained for its duration.

Direct message me here or send me an e-mail at info@softearthforesttherapy.com to reserve a place!

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'Long Sweet Days' of June - Forest Bathing Walk
10:00 a.m.10:00

'Long Sweet Days' of June - Forest Bathing Walk

"June is a basic truth, the whole sustaining principle of change and growth and maturity, of seed and leaf, blossom and seed again. It is January brought to summer's fruition, winter given meaning in the whole year. It is those long, sweet days we bought and paid for with long, cold nights and short, bitter days at the dark turn of the year."
- Hal Borland

Sweet June is around the corner, and the landscape has been patiently waiting all year to release its vibrancy.

Join me on Mont Royal on Saturday, June 5th for a forest bathing walk, and experience the more-than-human world in perhaps a different way.

This will be a slow and sensory-focused walk, centred on fully experiencing and paying attention to what it feels like to be where you are, and to connect with what surrounds you in numerous ways. Some describe forest therapy/bathing as a semi-guided nature connection meditation, but what it is varies with each person, and is ultimately up to you to be experienced. No prior experience or knowledge is required, simply an open mind and good footwear!

The duration will be 2.5 hours, and the price is sliding scale, $15-25. No one will be turned away for lack of funds, so please message me if the cost presents a barrier for you.

Due to Covid-19 there will be a maximum of 8 participants and social distancing will be maintained for its duration.

Direct message me here or send me an e-mail at info@softearthforesttherapy.com to reserve a place.

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Peak Spring Forest Bathing on Mont Royal
10:00 a.m.10:00

Peak Spring Forest Bathing on Mont Royal

Join me on Sunday, May 23rd for a forest bathing walk, and experience the buoyant life of spring in a slow and perhaps different way.

This will be a slow and sensory-focused walk, centred on fully experiencing and paying attention to what it feels like to be where you are, and to connect with what surrounds you in numerous ways. Some describe forest therapy/bathing as a semi-guided nature connection meditation, but what it is varies with each person, and is ultimately up to you to be experienced. No prior experience or knowledge is required, simply an open mind, layers, and perhaps rain boots!

The duration will be 2.5 hours, and the price is sliding scale, $15-25. No one will be turned away for lack of funds, so please message me if the cost presents a barrier for you.

Due to Covid-19 there will be a maximum of 8 participants and social distancing will be maintained for its duration.

Message me here or at info@softearthforesttherapy.com to reserve a place.

(Beautiful photograph of the red trillium taken by Sandra Viviana Murillo Morales)

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Wildflower Season Walk
10:30 a.m.10:30

Wildflower Season Walk

The wildflowers are blooming on the mountain, the robins, chickadees, and woodpeckers are in full force, and the forest is bursting with life.

Join me on Sunday, May 2nd and experience the buoyant energy of the season in a new way.

This will be a slow and sensory-focused walk, centred on fully experiencing and paying attention to what it feels like to be where you are, and to connect with what surrounds you in numerous ways. Some describe forest therapy/bathing as a semi-guided nature connection meditation, but what it is varies with each person, and is ultimately up to you to be experienced. No prior experience or knowledge is required, simply an open mind, layers, and perhaps rain boots!

The duration will be 2.5 hours, and the price is sliding scale, $15-25. No one will be turned away for lack of funds, so please message me if the cost presents a barrier for you.

Due to Covid-19 there will be a maximum of 8 participants and social distancing will be maintained for its duration.

Message me here or at info@softearthforesttherapy.com to reserve a place.

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April Forest Therapy Walk
10:30 a.m.10:30

April Forest Therapy Walk

The wonders of spring are unfolding and there is so much to pay attention to!

Join me for a forest therapy/forest bathing walk on Saturday, April 17th, on Mont-Royal, to mark and observe the wonders of spring.

This will be a slow and sensory-focused walk, focused on fully experiencing what it feels like to be where you are, and to connect with what surrounds you in numerous ways. Some describe forest therapy as a semi-guided nature connection meditation, but what it is varies with each person, and is ultimately up to you to be experienced. No prior experience or knowledge is required, simply an open mind, layers, and perhaps rain boots!

The duration will be 2.5 hours, and the price is sliding scale, $15-25. No one will be turned away for lack of funds, so please message me if the cost presents a barrier for you.

Due to Covid-19 there will be a maximum of 8 participants and social distancing will be maintained for its duration.

Message me here or at info@softearthforesttherapy.com to reserve a place.

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Spring Equinox Walk
10:30 a.m.10:30

Spring Equinox Walk

Mark the turn of the seasons and the spring equinox in perhaps a different way this year - as all is different this year - with a forest therapy walk.

As we emerge from a long and confined winter, the equinox brings with it a sigh of relief - a day of balance, when day and night are of equal length, and the sun lies directly above the equator. The unfolding of spring has begun, and there is much reason to celebrate!

The walk will be on Saturday, March 20th, on Mont-Royal. This will be a slow and sensory-focused walk, focused on fully experiencing what it feels like to be where you are, and to connect with what surrounds you in numerous ways. Some describe forest therapy as a semi-guided nature connection meditation, but what it is varies with each person, and is ultimately up to you to be experienced. No prior experience or knowledge is required, simply an open mind, warm layers, and perhaps rain boots!

The duration will be 2 hours, and the price is PWYC ($10-$25) - although no one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Adhering to current guidelines for outdoor gatherings, there will be a maximum of 8 participants for the walk and social distancing will be maintained for its duration.

Message me here or at info@softearthforesttherapy.com to reserve a place.

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Late Winter Forest Therapy Walk
10:30 a.m.10:30

Late Winter Forest Therapy Walk

As we approach the end of winter, there is a palpable impatience for the cold and confinement to thaw out into the hope and buoyant energy of spring. In this liminal time, the quality and strength of the sunlight is shifting, the clarity of the blue sky is no longer a sign of biting cold, and the birds are sharing their increasingly energetic presence with us.

Join me for a forest therapy walk on Saturday, March 6th, to experience this late season and the natural world in a different way. This will be a slow and sensory-focused walk, focused on fully experiencing what it feels like to be where you are, and to connect with what surrounds you in numerous ways. Some describe forest therapy as semi-guided nature connection meditations, but what it is varies with each person, and is ultimately up to you to be experienced. No prior experience or knowledge is required, simply an open mind and lots of warm layers. 

The walk will be on Mont-Royal (meeting location TBA), it will be 1.5 hours long, and the price is PWYC ($10-$20) - although no one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Due to Covid-19 there will be a maximum of 5 participants and social distancing will be maintained for its duration.

Message me here or at info@softearthforesttherapy.com to reserve a place.

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Autumn Forest Therapy Walk
10:00 a.m.10:00

Autumn Forest Therapy Walk


Join me on Mont-Royal for a forest therapy walk, and connect to the more-than-human world in perhaps a different way.

We will be meeting at the George-Étienne Cartier monument on Parc Avenue.

There are 12 places available, and the price is $30.

To reserve your place:

  • Please send your payment to info@softearthforesttherapy.com with the password: foresttherapy

  • You may also reserve your place by emailing info@softearthforesttherapy.com, and pay cash (exact change) prior to the walk.

Upon registering, I will send a confirmation e-mail with a few extra details. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or concerns!

The forest and I await you…

Member of AGSY

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Fall Equinox Walk on Mount Royal
10:00 a.m.10:00

Fall Equinox Walk on Mount Royal


Join me on Mount Royal on the fall equinox - Monday, September 23rd - for a forest therapy walk, and experience nature, the mountain, and the changing season in perhaps a different way.

We will be meeting at the George-Étienne Cartier monument on Parc Avenue.

There are 12 places available, and the price is $35.

To reserve your place:

  • Please send your payment to info@softearthforesttherapy.com with the password: foresttherapy

  • You may also reserve your place by emailing info@softearthforesttherapy.com, and pay cash (exact change) prior to the walk.

Upon registering, I will send a confirmation e-mail with a few extra details. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or concerns!

*Member of AGSY

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Mount Royal Walk - Departure From Smith House
9:00 a.m.09:00

Mount Royal Walk - Departure From Smith House


Join me on Mount Royal on Saturday, August 17th for a forest therapy walk, and experience nature, the mountain, and the beauty of late summer in perhaps a different way.

We will be meeting outside Smith House, near the top of the mountain.

There are 12 places available, and the price is $30.

To reserve your place:

  • Please send your payment to info@softearthforesttherapy.com with the password: foresttherapy

  • You may also reserve your place by emailing info@softearthforesttherapy.com, and pay cash (exact change) prior to the walk.

Upon registering, I will send a confirmation e-mail with a few extra details. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or concerns!

The forest and I await you…

*Member of AGSY

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Mount Royal Walk - Departure From The Monument
9:00 a.m.09:00

Mount Royal Walk - Departure From The Monument

  • Monument to Sir George-Étienne Cartier (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join me on Mount Royal on Saturday, August 10th for a forest therapy walk, and experience nature, the mountain, and the beauty of peak summer in perhaps a different way.

We will be meeting at the George-Étienne Cartier monument on Parc Avenue.

There are 12 places available, and the price is $30.

To reserve your place:

  • Please send your payment to info@softearthforesttherapy.com with the password: foresttherapy

  • You may also reserve your place by emailing info@softearthforesttherapy.com, and pay cash (exact change) prior to the walk.

Upon registering, I will send a confirmation e-mail with a few extra details. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or concerns, and please inform me of any allergies or health concerns you may have.

*Member of AGSY

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